Sovereign Quantum Codes the solution to reprogram your DNA back to the origin to activate your innate potentials
Start your re-programming immediately
Pack of 33 codes
for individuals
For less than 6€ per code for LIFE
As soon as you arrive in your download area you will be welcomed by CHERIII with videos and tutorials
You will receive directly in your mailbox your personal access codes to your space with the 33 sovereign quantum codes to download in high definition
You will receive in your space the digital book with the instructions, all the codes, the instruments and the effects of the codes as well as the Sound Reconnection with the wild dolphins of the Red Sea
Download in your space the file to print the 33 codes to choose them before listening
You have access to 2 players, the first allowing you to listen to and download each code directly and the second allowing you to listen to each code in a loop for continuous re-programming

Sovereign Quantum Codes Pro the solution for therapists, health practitioners and coaches who wish to multiply the effects of their treatments
Start working with the codes immediately
Pack of 33 codes
for professionals
Pro Licence for LIFE
As soon as you arrive in your download area you will be welcomed by CHERIII with videos and tutorials
You will receive directly in your mailbox your personal access codes to your space with the 33 sovereign quantum codes to download in high definition
You will receive in your space the digital book with the instructions, all the codes, the instruments and the effects of the codes as well as the Sound Reconnection with the wild dolphins of the Red Sea
Download in your space the file to print the 33 codes to choose them before listening
You have access to 2 players, the first allowing you to listen to and download each code directly and the second allowing you to listen to each code in a loop for continuous re-programming
For professionals, you will also receive authorization to use the codes in your customer workspace, your certification and your summary sheet
Before listening to the codes we suggest you read their descriptions carefully in order to facilitate the integration process and to fully respect your unique integration rhythm. Simply listen to your Sovereign Quantum Codes as many times as you need, as often as you feel like it, when you feel like it.
As an example: I integrated the first 3 codes, then one by one per evening up to 6 codes. I took a 24-hour break, then came back to the whole thing, then just to the 6, and continued in the same way, all by intuition... Listen, pause, re-listen, new audio, you will feel better and better what is good for you...
The work with the frequencies is gentle and profound. As you listen, you will be able to observe changes at all levels of your being, within yourself and by feedback (laws of cause and effect) outside yourself.
In the way you manifest your life, the way you express yourself, the way you listen to yourself and also in your choices and your new desires for places, foods, friends, love... All you have to do is listen and let it happen, a very large part of the codes act on levels that are totally imperceptible to the mind!
The sovereign quantum codes are intended, in time, to make you sovereign by activating the HEART gate which is the most powerful vortex in your body, thanks to very precise systems of resonance in order to be able to use the power of quantum energy which is the Source of all manifestation. Sovereign, which means free, autonomous (energetically and physically), powerful, independent, coherent, functional, benevolent, loving. This is what the codes allow: to live your creative power with a high degree of quality generated by the power and balance of your vortex/heart in coherence with the Source, in synchronicity with the unified field, Inner.Dialogue.with the Universal Energy.

Singer, author, spiritual guide and founder of "Conscience Vibratoire"
Listening to the words and sounds of the code 9, I really dove into the amniotic fluid, my eyes closed, I felt this cord linked to the second of love that created me and that I had never perceived in my life! Especially since I had never felt a very strong bond of love with my mother, she always appeared to me as a stranger and yet I was not adopted.
After listening, the following days during the day and even as I write, I hear the words vibrate in my belly, according to a very precise rhythm and as if in an indelible way, then "sovereign" "I exist"! I am no longer the daughter of !... "I am so free that the next morning when I woke up, and after listening to Cheriii's Sound Reconnection, I went back to sleep for a few minutes and had a very short dream where I saw myself in my car surrounded by rays of incandescent white light and there, I braved all the prohibitions, first a red light, then I went up a street in a forbidden direction... but free and conscious, as if I were leaving the Old World for the New?
Note that this morning, so a few days later, I feel contractures in the abdominal belt and the kidneys which are not painful but unusual and which remind me of the contractions of my own deliveries of my two children ... a link without any doubt with the work of the frequencies listened through these codes.
For the words and sounds of code 28, after this half-sleep, this almost hypnotic state I can say, where code 9 had plunged me, I didn't remember them at all, so intrigued, I listened to it again the next morning, and there, as if by magic, I remembered absolutely everything, the impulses of the song the rhythm of the words identical to my first sensations came back, my body had recorded everything well, the imprint of the song was there and then I realise that as I write this morning, if I try to find the experience of the code 28, my mind has once again hidden it, it is both disturbing and fascinating, to feel the body memorising this listening alone
I am truly impressed by the vibratory and energetic impact of these first two codes and I only have one desire, to discover the others... thank you again for this discovery and magnificent experience.

Françoise Chanaud
The first time I listen to Quantum Code 9, I am in my mother's womb. I am curled up in it and I hear a woman's voice telling me that I am free. I feel good in this luminous listening.
On the second listening, I see myself again in my mother's womb. When I hear the wonderful female voice, I gently turn onto my back, stretch out my little arms and legs and feel a deep relaxation within me as a fetus. My little body feels so good that I feel this wellbeing even in my here and now as an adult. The me of then meets the me of now, and that in the material. I am in gratitude.
And then my whole body lights up, this light fills the amniotic sac, I see the liquid turn golden, the light spreads into my mother's body, which in turn becomes pure light. And my father is there, he embraces my mother and he too becomes light. The whole room where I was born and where my parents are now holding me in their arms together, as young parents, is filled with light. Thank you for this unique moment of painless healing, by the grace of divine light. Thank you.

Sound Healer